The Four Peculiarities of Islam


Many people associate the word “Islam” with the namaz, the hijab, the turban, or other things that distinguish Muslims at first glance. But a closer acquaintance with our religion makes it clear that Islam is more than just the observance of external attributes. So what features are “notable” about our religion?

Islam is the religion that reflects in its name the meaning of the message. It is possible to meet sometimes in some texts and analogue in the form of “Mohammedanism”, invented on behalf of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). But in the Holy Book, and by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), this religion is referred to as “Islam.

How is the word Islam translated? In Arabic it means “submitting oneself to God. And from this comes the word “Muslim. That is, it is someone who has “surrendered himself to the service of God.” Allah Almighty approves of this particular form of service to Him. The Qur’an says: “Today I have perfected your religion for your sakes and finished My mercy upon you and approved Islam as your religion” (sura al-Maida, The Supper, ayat 5).

Another ayat of the Holy Book also says: “From him who seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted, and in the Last Life he will be among the losers” (surah “al Imran”, “The Family of Imran”, ayat 85)

The Creator Another feature of Islam is that the object of worship is the Creator. Not an animal, not a person, not an idea, not a group of people, not a spirit or any other creature, but the Creator Himself. The worship of the One Creator is the call sent down in the Qur’an:

“Apart from Him you worship only the names that you and your fathers invented. Allah has not sent down any proof for them. Allah alone decides. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. This is the right faith, but most people don’t know it” (Surah Yusuf, ayat 40).

The basic idea of Islam is monotheism and doing the will of the Most High. Wherever and whenever one recognizes that God is one and is the creator of all things, one becomes on the path of Islam. It is enough to reject the service of creatures and recognize the worthy service of the one God.

It should also be noted that for sincere service to the Most High man must not only distinguish between good and evil, but also make a choice between the two. Such freedom of will, granted by the Almighty, also implies responsibility for the choice made. Thus, the Almighty says in the Qur’an: “Verily, believers, as well as Jews, Christians, and Sabaeans, who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act righteously, have a reward with their Lord.

Natural inclination to it.
As the religious texts say, every person is naturally inclined toward monotheism from birth. Thus, in surah “al-A’raf” (“Obstacles”), Allah Almighty says:

“Behold, your Lord took out of the loins of the sons of Adam their offspring and made them testify against themselves: “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we testify.”